What everyone should know about schools and entry-level positions

I’ve always been asked (interview or not) the magical question of “where did you go to school?” From family to friends to complete strangers.

PSA: School has had very little contribution to the work I do nor the work I am going to do. You would think Economics is heavily rooted in Personal Finance, but it really isn’t - especially in an academic setting.

Here are better questions to ask a student that will be more indicative of how they approach their work:

  1. What have you built (or are building)?

  2. What have you led?

  3. How do you make decisions?

  4. What’s next?

Going to a prestigious (or not) school doesn’t define you.

Seth Godin tells us, “You are the trail you’ve left behind, the people you’ve influenced, the work you’ve done.”



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