The secret of successful people (hint: it has to do with “snacking”)

I’m taking a digital education class right now as I develop my own coursework. And as I dig into the data, there are habits and trends that we always follow without question.

A lecture is always an hour long. A meeting is always in 15-30-60 minute increments. Most educational Youtube videos are about 10 minutes. Reading a 100 page book takes about 2.5 hours.

To be honest, academia doesn’t have much concrete evidence on many forms of digital education -

but one thing’s for sure: constantly learning material in short bursts or “snacking” is the key to being successful.

You don’t need to spend 24 hours on a topic that can be explained in a 10 minute crash course to learn even if the expectation is 24 hours.

Learning is about builds, actions, and outcomes, not the medium and style in which it’s digested.



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