The Million Impact Mission Community

Our generation wasn’t built for the 9 to 5. For whatever reason, previous generations decided to work for 8 hours per day, 5 days per week, 50 weeks a year for 40 years.

Our generation is different.

We want to live in our youth, see the world, all while working on the things that we are actually passionate about.

I want people to live by their own rules, work when they want to work, and on projects they believe in.

That’s what this community is focused on. This community is circled around a collection of knowledge drawn from years of research and experience helping people lead better financial lives. It’s one-to-many and peer-to-peer.

Join the waitlist below.


Justin Huynh

I'm a Product Manager at ConsumerReports building their money and personal finance product, an Accredited Financial Counselor® candidate, and a graduate from the University of California, Davis in Economics, Data Analytics, and Economic Analysis.

My most recent stint was building product at Doorvest, a FinTech startup focused on advancing financial security for everyday Americans.

I’m a personal finance geek, real estate investor, and self-pronounced multidisciplined learner. I live and breathe the learn by doing mentality, as cliché as it sounds.

By night,

  • I create daily content over on my LinkedIn and my “Thoughts” page.

  • I’m working on building my community here and writing my free e-books.

  • I'm studying for my Accredited Financial Counselor® coursework and working on a certificate in Data Science.


Email Subscribers


Annual Readers


Satisfaction Guarantee




Video Library

I create exclusive video content only found in the community. Topics currently are personal finance focused, but will expand to investments, productivity, community building, and marketing. All video content is in-depth to teach you about a single subject area, and aren’t full of ‘quick tips’ as many other videos are.


I create e-books across the topics I’m interested in like personal finance, investments, productivity, community, and marketing. These are currently available via a required newsletter sign-up, but are accessible through the community resources.

Book Summaries

I read a lot. You’ll get my detailed book reviews and summary notes. My book notes range from personal development to business in genre set. New summaries will be added on a regular basis as more books are read.

1:1 + Community

By joining the community, you’ll have direct access to me as well as many other in the community. Duh! We’re currently a close-knit group of individuals who aim to better each other and share information. And it’ll only get better with you alongside us!


1. Fundamentals of Financial Planning

2. Net Worth And Cash Flow Statement

3. Money Management

4. Avoiding Banking Fees (Including Scripts)

5. IRAs, 401Ks, HSA, 529s, and Other Special Accounts

6. How Credit Works

7. What’s a Credit Score And How to Improve Yours

8. Paying Off Debt

9. Bankruptcy and Too Much Debt

10. Credit and Identity Theft

11. Should You Be Investing?

12. Investment Philosophy, Risk, And Strategy

13. Stocks and Bonds

14. Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds

15. Real Estate Investing

16. How Do U.S. Income Taxes Work?

17. How To Calculate Your Income Taxes

18. Different Ways To Legally Save On Taxes

19. How To Approach Large Purchases

20. Should You Rent or Buy?

21. What Does Homebuying Look Like?

22. Kinds of Risk

23. How Does Insurance Work?

24. Types of Insurance

25. Homeowner’s and Renter’s Insurance

26. Retirement Planning

27. Health Care, Life, and Long Term Care Insurance

28. Estate Planning

29. Topics To Discuss With Your Partner

30. Different Ways To Approach Spending With Your Partner

31. Annual Financial Reviews


  • The community comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Send over a personal email to within 30 days of purchase and I’ll cancel your membership and refund your money, no questions asked.

  • YES! I’m constantly learning and creating more content for the community. As I create content, I’ll add it to the community resources so that you’ll continue to have refreshed information.

  • The community is one-to-many, meaning me to all of you. It is also peer-to-peer, meaning you to others in the community.

    For me, I’ll be sharing primarily anything related to personal finance. However, I’ll be building our libraries for investments, productivity, community building, and marketing. I’ll end up adding in additional topics as I become interested in more things.

    Peer-to-peer? The topics could be endless.