The raise doesn’t matter.
"Yay, I got a raise!"
What I've realized over the past year is that your mind will quickly normalize about anything.
It's actually a natural phenomena.
You hit that salary goal you've been looking for. Or an investment goal. Or a role/title goal.
And you'll get the "high" from hitting it, but it quickly fades to an even more ambitious goal.
I recently became a homeowner (shout out to Doorvest).
I didn't particularly celebrate it. In fact, I was looking for an even better, larger home the next day!
And I didn't realize it until recently, but I've repeated this pattern for every "good" thing that happens. The "goal" becomes the new baseline. And then your heart will search for more.
We (well, maybe just I...?) need to slow down, enjoy the moment more, and practice more gratitude. I think we're missing a lot from chasing the next big goal soon thereafter.