Minimalists, Marie Kondo, and Ramit Sethi all have something in common.
Minimalists say, “Minimalists are those who are deliberate about removing the excess in their lives and choosing to pursue things that are more meaningful.”
Marie Kondo tells us to choose to keep things that “spark joy.”
& Ramit Sethi says, “There is power in saying no to the things we don’t care about. But there is even more power in saying a big YES to the things we love.”
The connecting philosophy here is to spend A LOT on the things that you love — and then cut costs mercilessly on the things you don’t love.
The biggest mistake people make is to cut the things they love. Knowing your finances and budgeting is the opposite— indulging on the things you love.
Obviously within reason. e.g. Don’t buy a Lambo on a $30k salary.