You’re not afraid of failure. You’re afraid of criticism.
People talk about embracing failure, but that’s usually not an issue.
It’s criticism. You don’t want to take the blame. You don’t want people to call you out and say “you failed at doing this.”
That’s what frightens us. We choose not to try achieving remarkable goals in the face of criticism.
Unless you’re the founder, failure is a stupid excuse anyways. If a product launch you’re in charge of fails, the company loses some money and they move on. They’re not going to fire you and the costs get absorbed by the company.
When I run an experimental campaign for Doorvest, it’s most likely going to fail despite my efforts. And I’ll admit that it hurts my feelings personally. But in total, I realize that it COULD HAVE BEEN innovate, new, and remarkable.
I wouldn’t know until I try. And you won’t either.