Why you should get comfortable with your own thoughts
People often don’t like to be alone with their thoughts. That’s why most people seek random external stimuli.
We typically try to focus on things that are novel, pleasurable, or threatening because it’s in our nature. And in a modern world, we have the ability to indulge in the first 2.
But focusing on your internal stimuli and letting your mind wander (to be alone with your own thoughts) is a creative superpower.
It allows you to think of new ways to do things, let your mind rest on blank thoughts, and gives you self-awareness. This allows you to plan for the future and recharge (and thus reduce burnout).
This is especially important in a world with over-stimulus with distractions just a touch of your phone.
As a productivity geek, this is one area I struggle in the most. It feels unproductive, but isnt’t.