We’ve been thinking about education all wrong. Education isn’t about learning.

The current education system is based on memorization. It goes something like:

  1. Memorize a textbook

  2. Take a test

  3. Forget everything after finishing the test

Here’s the issue: memorization is useless now. Now, we live in the age of machine learning — a computer can earn every possible PhD within 24 hours.

So as machine learning advances, AI improves, and physical hardware comes to match, it won’t be about memorizing. Those who will have high-paying jobs will be jobs that require application of knowledge with creative solutions.

The future is creative. As @Chris Do says, TheFutur is now.



PSA: You don’t have to become what your parents want you to become.


BREAKING: Tesla/Elon Musk has purchased $1.5B worth of Bitcoin according to an SEC filing at $42K/coin.