We don't always know what we want to do.
I mean how could we? When we exit high school and enter the big world of college, we're hit with
▶️ Choose a major that you can make money with
▶️ Choose a major that you're passionate about
▶️ Choose a major that is well respected
At aged 18, you know more about how mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and pythagoras theorem than we do about what jobs are out there.
It sounds sexy to be an engineer or a doctor until you actually do the work of an engineer or doctor (you have my respect as these are incredibly difficult paths to take).
I was Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on a pre-med track (to anesthesiology) when I entered college. A year later, I switched to Economics. Then I specialized in Data Analytics cause Economics was too broad.
And I'm not the only one. I recently talked to a mother who's daughter was contemplating switching majors as a freshman.
It's okay to switch majors. And it's okay to not know.
💡 Make the decision now and adjust when necessary. Try different things.