Want to become a better writer?
The special secret is to just write.
I completely flunked my first pre-college exam. I had to take a “pre-college” English course in order to meet the basic requirements to take an English course.
I have a ton of excuses for this. But in reality, it’s because I lacked practice.
It’s like riding a bike. In the beginning, it’s hard. You’ll have no momentum. But as you ride, it becomes easier and you’ll barely need to pedal.
With writing, it’s hard to start. You have to find ideas, figure out how to phrase them, find the right words, and more. But once you figure out your writing style and palette, it becomes easy. Your writing will flow.
And more importantly, it’ll connect people.
It’s a bit cheesy, but writing on LinkedIn has been great for solidifying my thoughts, things I read, and have the ability to connect with others on these ideas.