Two years later and I finally got an 800 credit score! (without paying a dime in interest :))

Here’s how:

  1. Consistently pay bills and debt on time.

  2. Keep the balance below 20% of the total credit you are offered.

  3. Keep old accounts if possible or not costly. Utilize accounts frequently (one payment a month is fine).

  4. Don’t take on a ton of new debt at once.

  5. Vary your debt (i.e. credit card, car loan, mortgage, etc.)

For those who don’t know, credit scores are made up of 5 parts (which correspond to the above suggestions):

Screenshot 2021-02-14 013808.png
  1. Payment History (35% of your score)

  2. Amount of Debt (30%)

  3. Length of History (15%)

  4. Amount of New Debt (10%)

  5. Types of Credit (10%)

Don’t even know your score?

You’re entitled to FREE quarterly credit reports from one of the three big credit bureaus by going to (Annual Credit Report . Com) — remove the spaces


This post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered specific investment advice.


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