To my fellow GenZ crowd, don’t “act your wage.” This is so flawed.
Popularized on TikTok and the recent wave of “quiet quitters”, doing the bare minimum to keep your job is a sure way to never get promoted.
From Napolean Hill: “The man who does more than he is paid for will soon be paid for more than he does.”
And as you would expect, that will have profound differences in long term financial health.
But how big?
A one-time $10,000 raise (properly invested) can account for over $2,500,000 in additional money in retirement over 40 years.
And if you’re GenZ, a $10,000 raise is much easier to spin given the potential growth velocity you could have. Even for GenY/Millennials, the impact is HUGE.
Fight for salary bumps. They make a MASSIVE difference to where you’ll stand 40 years from now.
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