Justin Huynh

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“Join a startup.” — they said.

Reflecting back, it’s crazy to think I joined Doorvest just over 4 months ago and became part of the Vestie Team!

I went from freelancer, intern, marketing associate, and a new role TBA next month!

Here’s an update/addition to what I learned about being at a venture-backed startup.

👉 You often can work far outside your scope of work.
You’ll receive ample opportunity to work on things far outside of your job description.

👉 The tech world is a small place.
I’ve been able to meet with incredible people. And the crazy part is, each person is connected further to an entire network of other incredible people.

👉 Learning things is exponential in application.
I’ve learned more about marketing, VC, funding, and business operations than a 4-year college degree (and got paid to do it).
