I’ve spoken to over 50 founders and CEOs. Here’s the advice they wish they knew at 21:

[PART 5/7]

💡 Extreme focus + delayed gratification = superpowers

My thoughts below:

Having extreme focus allows you to put all of your efforts in one direction. It’s easier to push a car in one direction than 5 different ones.

The second part of the equation is called “time preference.” The famous marshmellow experiment has preliminary results giving that those with time preferences that favored their future selves were often more successful in life.

This is because they have mastered delayed gratification. Sacrifice short term gains for long term GAINS.

Combining both means your laser focused on a goal (that’s likely bigger than yourself.)

#TheMillionImpactMission #AdviceFromThe50


I’ve spoken to over 50 founders and CEOs. Here’s the advice they wish they knew at 21:


I’ve spoken to over 50 founders and CEOs. Here’s the advice they wish they knew at 21: