I’ve spoken to over 50 founders and CEOs. Here’s the advice they wish they knew at 21:
[PART 1/7]
💡 You, alone, are solely responsible for your actions and your own environment.
My thoughts below:
Designing your own environment allows you to operate at peak performance. Getting rid of the negative stressors and friction will not only allow you to work better, but also feel better about your work.
You must also remember that your actions have RE-actions. They can be negative or positive. It doesn’t really matter. But you must realize that you are directly responsible for controlling the actions you take, and thus the overall consequence.
Also, to bring this full circle, this is an idea likely taken from The Daily Stoic.
Stoic-ism is the teaching of the development of self-control and fortitude as a means of overcoming destructive emotions. Something I think that we can all use a little of nowadays!
#TheMillionImpactMission #AdviceFromThe50