I’ve never gotten a job traditionally yet.
I came to the realization after talking with @Kristina Nguyen the other day that all 3 of my previous and my current positions all came from cold emails.
What made these cold emails successful? Honestly, I’m not entirely sure.
But here’s why I think they were successful:
👉 The emails provided value
— Your email shouldn’t be about you. Make it about them. Answer “How can you help them achieve their goals.”
👉 I came in without expectations
— Many people feel entitled to an audience (or even a job), but you’re going to be disappointed, quickly.
👉 They were SHORT
— Important people don’t have much time. If your email is long, it’s likely going to never be read in full. Work on cutting out EVERYTHING unnecessary.
If you’re looking for the template I use, send me a DM with your email and I’ll send it over to you (free).
*And no, I won’t add you to an email list (but you can sign up for mine on my website if you want— link in comments).