Justin Huynh

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I went back and read the beginning posts of my LinkedIn journey.

Things have changed. And honestly, I didn’t realize the impact it would make on my life.

It doesn’t seem like people read my posts to be honest (except the odd one that gets traction) because there isn’t a ton of engagement.

I’m starting to think impressions is much more important.

As I left @XY Planning Network, many told me they loved my LinkedIn posts. And when I visited the @Doorvest office a couple weeks ago, as I met people, one person told me, “are you the Justin from LinkedIn? You’re all over my feed.”

Maybe it’s annoying to see my posts everyday. But I think it’s awesome that my online posts are reaching my offline life.

Anyways, if you made it to the end of this post, thank you for reading these! And I hope you have an amazing day :)
