I used to be a terrible writer. I’m still not great, but better.

I failed my English entrance exam for college, which meant I had to take a remedial English course.

And even after 3 college English courses, I didn’t feel good about my writing.

So I made myself a goal to become a better writer: write every single day until I felt better. Posting on LinkedIn was a result of that.

And I think I’ve achieved that goal. After over 150 posts, I feel that my writing has improved significantly.

And with that, I’ll be writing long-form articles over on my website about topics I’m interested in: #personalfinance #investing #marketing #business #careerdevelopment.

And on the flipside, the daily LinkedIn post will be going away. They’ll be a bit less frequent from now on. Thank you all for tuning in each day for a daily read :)


The grass is not always greener on the other side.


Being direct.