Hey students, I think one of the most important things I’ve done this year was outline what I was looking for in a position.
I still don’t really know what role truly excites my soul. Perhaps that role doesn’t even exist. But this past year when I worked at XY Planning Network, my manager, Kassy, had me do this exercise.
I wrote down a few aspects of an ideal role for myself. I forgot exactly what I put down, but it was something like:
👉 In a highly intrapreneurial / entrepreneurial role
👉 that allowed for remote work
👉 allowed for a flexible schedule
👉 that had ownership over projects
It sounds like such a small thing. But it actually really refined my thinking of what role I would have in the future. I didn’t know what industry, what job / title, where I was going to work — but I had these traits that I looked for.
Here’s what you should do right now —
1. Get a piece of paper
2. Write down the top 5 traits of an ideal role (even if you don’t know what role)
3. Reflect on how you’re going to get all 5