I shared a room with 10,000 cockroaches
No, it’s not clickbait.
No, I don’t have an infestation.
No, I’m not crazy.
I keep live feeder insects for a peculiar roommate of mine, a lizard. If that wasn’t odd enough, this is all because I run a Facebook group called “Bearded Dragon Obsession.”
To make it even weirder, I used to sell these cockroaches for thousands of dollars when I was 13-18 years old. They’re called “Dubia Roaches” — a cockroach from South America, and they’re seen as one of the staple food items for many lizards. One female roach can cost upward of $2 per one. To sweeten the deal, there’s almost always a shortage (and thus a strong demand to buy them at larger sizes) even now.
Some of my friends use to poke fun at this — I use to be the “roach boy” (don’t worry, it was all in good fun).
I wanted to share this because there are so many different businesses that are highly profitable, cheap to start, and require very little experience, but they’re not the “sexy” businesses people are paying attention to.
This is the type of entrepreneurship that many people don’t pay attention to, but there is a ton of money to be made with little risk.