How I accidentally started a business at 14.
Yeah, it’s a funny story actually. I actually wrote about it for my university applications. It started like this,
”I share a room with 10,000 cockroaches. No, I don’t have an infestation — I keep live feeder insects for a peculiar roommate of mine, a lizard. If that wasn’t odd enough, this is all because I run a Facebook group called Bearded Dragon Obsession.”
So what was the business? It had two revenue streams:
I sold cockroaches (dubia roaches, for those in the biz). A female dubia roach has a market value of $2. And people bought thousands of roaches for their pets.
The (still active) website garnered a little over 120,000 unique visitors each year. I optimized for affiliate marketing income through the site. Some of my negotiated yields were close to 25% of the price of the item.
I don’t sell cockroaches regularly anymore— just to the regulars nowadays. But the website is still active, but hasn’t been updated for 7 years. Though, it still garners over 100,000 unique visitors and a bit of passive income for myself.