Ever start a project, but then get overwhelmed by the sheer size of it?
Yeah. Me too. Sometimes I’m handed things I have no idea how to do nor how to approach it.
Maybe you are given too many options. And maybe you’re afraid to make the wrong choice.
But you have to realize that it’s often inaction that is the least optimal decision. Taking what you believe is the best option right away will (almost) always put you in a better spot than you were before.
I love personal finance, so let’s look at investing.
If I’m looking at 2 or 3 ETFs, it would leave me worse off to not invest in it for the next 10 years rather than just choosing one.
Moreover, there’s practically no possible way for me to prepare and try to learn everything I need to know about choosing a fund in a reasonable amount of time anyways.
So, next time you get overwhelmed, just start. Better to learn from a wrong choice than to make no choice at all.