Apple has the best customer service

Apple has a 99 problems (in my opinion), but customer service isn’t one.

Be it a one-off issue, a random niched issue, or recurring problems — Apple will make it right for almost every customer.

Some key notes:

👉 Their genius bar doesn’t defend the company aimlessly that the customer violated X policy and therefore the customer is wrong.

👉 They build rapport — mirroring the client’s language.

👉 The environment of a genius bar, while professional, is extremely relaxed — support and the customer sit on the same level, people speak 1:1

👉 There’s always a senior support in-house — the first line of people can go to the manager for help, no need to call a manager and wait

👉 Support teams have flexibility — did your AppleCare just expire a week ago? They’ll probably still honor your request.


Having a “disconnected personal brand”


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