Who else wants to create value and connect with others?
A couple of my friends asked me, “why do you always post on LinkedIn? You get like 4 likes.”
Ouch! But it’s true. I get 4 likes. 4 people who connected with one of my many random thoughts. And I think that’s pretty cool.
Honestly, I don’t post things randomly to get likes. But one of my connections recently reminded me of why I do.
I just got a message regarding a post from 4 weeks ago about #ikigai. They told me that they finally went through the exercise, changed their major, and are challenged with a whole new set of classes and purpose. When I posted that, I thought it was just a super cool idea.
Little did I know that it might have an impact on someone!
The sharing of ideas is amazing. It might not lift EVERYONE up, but it might just lift one person up - and that’s all you need.