What’s one piece of job-seeking you wish everyone knew?
Thanks LinkedIn for the topic recommendation!
I think one piece of job-seeking that's super important to my current career trajectory has been cold emails. Cold emails are a superpower to get in front of the right people that have power to make adhoc hiring decisions or people who can refer on your behalf.
My cold emails go something like this:
Hey [Name],
I'm super interested in XYZ at your company. I had some ideas about X project or X role that I think would be helpful. [insert two sentences about your ideas].
I know you're super busy. So if you have some extra time, I'd love to hop on a call and discuss how this value-add for your team/company/etc.
Here's a little about me: [insert 1 sentence about myself]
[insert your email sig]
P.S. [insert something interesting that can connect you to this person as a human]
I've used this rough format to get in front of all of my previous roles, get interviews at small and large companies, and to get advice from industry leaders.
The key here is to give them something that's a value add for them. Always give first. The rest will follow.