The Curse of Knowledge
I recently signed up for @Ali Abdaal’s Youtube email list (I’ve been toying with the idea…).
But here’s an excerpt that I really resonated with:
“If you’re waiting to become an “expert” (whatever that means) before you get started on Youtube, you’re approaching it all wrong. Something which isn’t said enough is that 90% of your audience will be complete beginners. Even when you’re targeting professionals.”
When I connect with people, they often comment on my LinkedIn tagline. “Not an expert. Here to share what I learn.” And it’s because I believe the people who you can learn best from are the people who are just 1 to 2 steps ahead of you.
They’re more in touch with you, remember the struggle, and often want to help.
You don’t need to be an expert to help someone. You just need to be slightly ahead of where they are.