Invest in real estate virtually for as little as $20K with renovation, tenant placement, and property management. No experience required.
Sounds a bit crazy. I know.
But Doorvest is already doing this. It's making the unscalable, scalable. Simply put, you talk to one of their advisors, and they help you with the less sexy and difficult parts of real estate investing setting you up for success.
I recently had the pleasure of talking with Andrew Luong, Co-founder and CEO of Doorvest. And I believe that his startup is the future of real estate investing.
Gone are the days of the exclusivity of real estate investing.
You don't need a ton of capital, and you don't need the experience.
It's better, faster, and cheaper like startups should be.
Special thanks to Kristina Nguyen and Henry Ngo making the introduction!
Note: I'm not a spokesman for Doorvest - just love the product and service. See their terms and conditions! Link in comments.