I have a month left until graduation.
It’s a conflicted feeling. Part of me is scared to face the real world. The other part of me was ready to kick some ass since I’ve been a freshman.
And even after getting advice from people at all different paths in their life, I realized something: I won’t ever be ready.
AND…you won’t be either.
And it’s okay. Every time I talk to someone, they always tell me, “I don’t have it figured out either.” Even people 20 years older than me are still figuring it out.
We won’t know the opportunities that present themselves. Nor will we know the entire plan. But that’s what makes it fun.
We need to face it head on with whatever we’ve got at the time and hope for the best.
So my fellow seniors, it’s okay not to have it figured out. Everyone who does is just faking it ;).